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WHEN DO CLASSES BEGIN?We offer classes year round. Our Fall and Spring sessions begin in September and extends through May. We take a month break in between the Fall and Spring semesters. Our Summer session runs from June through July. The studio is closed for all classes during the month of August.
HOW MANY RECITALS DO YOU OFFER?We are pleased to offer two recital performances annually. We offer a Holiday Showcase in December which features dances set to fun, holiday themed music in festive costuming. Dancers are able to rent costumes from the MDM costume inventory for this performance. We also offer a year end recital in May. This performance theme varies annually and dancers purchase costumes for this speical celebratory show. We believe that the more opportunities a dancer has to perform on stage, the better skilled they will become. Performing on stage is an entirely different skill set than taking class and we are happy to be able to offer these two special stage opportunites to all of our dancers.
ARE THE RECITALS REQUIRED FOR ALL CLASSES AND ALL DANCERS?Our Schedule of Classes includes many classes that are notated as "technique only". "Technique Only" classes will not participate in the recital. Dancers are able opt out of the recital so long as they do so by the required date.
HOW MANY CLASSES SHOULD MY DANCER TAKE?Our dancers take an average of 2.5 classes per week for maximum training benefit. For dancers ages 2-4, getting started with one Taps & Twirls class per week is ideal. Beginning at age 5, dancers will be able to expand their class options to take 2-3 classes per week. Our Kinder-Kidz programming is set up to expose young dancers to ballet, tap and jazz which will build a strong technical dance foundation. Dancers age 6 and above have even more class options and are encouraged to take as many or as few classes as they like. Ballet is foundational for all other dance disciplines and we encourage all serious dancers to take a minimum of 1-2 ballet classes per week to solifdy their technique base. We are always happy to help make recommendations and assist you in creating a class schedule that works for your dancer and your family. We can provide one on one assistance to help find classes that both work for your family and assist your dancer in reaching their unique potential.
HOW MUCH IS TUITION?We offer a discounted tuition structure to provide opportunities for dancers to take more classes. The more classes you take, the more discounted your tuition will be! 1 class/week.......................$ 51 per month 2 classes/week..................$95 per month 3 classes/week..................$135 per month 4 classs/week................... $170 per month 5 classes/week..................$198 per month 6 classes/week..................$225 per month 7 classes/week..................$258 per month 8 classes/week..................$275 per month 9 classes/week..................$292 per month 10+classes/week..............$309 per month We do offer a family discount when one student takes a minimum of 10 classes/week. Inquire at for information if your family meets that minimum.
WHAT SHOULD I BRING TO CLASS?For your trial class, we suggest wearing a leotard, leggings, tank or t-shirt, bike shorts or anything that is comfortable to move and stretch in. If you have proper shoes, please bring them for your trial class. If not, please contact us at and we will see if we have a pair that you can borrow for your trial class. Once enrolled, we have a dress code for all classes that you can access by clicking here. We also recommend that all dancers bring a water bottle to class so that they are able to stay properly hydrated.
WHAT IF MY CHILD DOESN'T LIKE IT?It is very common to feel overwhelmed when you first start a new class. It often takes some time for children to adjust to the dance classroom environment. We recommend giving your child 4 - 6 weeks to get used to coming to class. If it seems that your dancer is not adjusting well, please reach out and let us know so that we can discuss your concerns with the teacher. Most of the time, concerns are normal and will dissipate with time. However, if you continue to have concerns or notice that your child continues to not enjoy class or has not gained confidence, you can submit a DROP FORM by clicking here.
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