MDM is proud to offer continual professional development and education to all of our instructors.
We currently hold certifications in the following programs:

"Midwest Dance Mechanix is my daughters 2nd home. The staff always has her best interest at heart. They provide her with the technique and training to go as far as she wants with dance while caring for her, pushing her to grow and teaching her endless valuable life lessons along the way.
Her success in life will have a lot to do with the wonderful humans from MDM and all her time spent with them.
Thank You!"

"As I am sitting in the parking lot at the dance studio waiting for my daughter to finish her class, I am so thankful that a friend pointed us to MDM.
It's nice out so my windows are open, as is the door to one of the studios. I am listening to the instructor and students in this class and they are having the best time! They are learning and practicing their skills while enjoying class. The dancers are cheering for each other and clapping, and the instructor is encouraging and praising them while cheering right along with the group!
THIS is the kind of atmosphere that people thrive in and I am thankful that my daughter has such an encouraging place to learn dance and have FUN each week. The staff at MDM truly does love each student and pushes them to be their best, all while encouraging their personalities and having fun while doing it. Thank you, Miss Jana, for creating such a beautiful place for our kids to learn the love of dance ❤️ "

"We made the family decision to switch studios after almost ten years. It was a hard and scary choice.
In just a few months at MDM I have been amazed with not only my daughters' growth in skills, but the desire to be at the studio more and more. My teenage daughter is especially happy with not just the instruction, but also how the teachers take the time to mentor them in life.
We are one happy family!"